Prof. Dr. Nishat Afreen Inamdar has joined Inamdar Unani Medical College & Hospital, Gulbarga as Professor & HOD in the Department of ILMUL ADVIA on 17 Dec 2017. Before joining this college she has been engaged in administration, teaching and research for nearly 13 years.
Dr. Nishat Afreen Inamdar is alumnus of Prestigious Unani Medical College. She graduated in Unani Medicine in the year 2004 from Luqman Unani Medical college, Bijapur.
She was appointed Lecturer/Assistant Professor and promoted to post of Associate Professor, Professor and Head of the Department in the Unani College.
She has worked on various administrative posts in previous unani college. After joining the Inamdar Unani Medical College, she took the charge of her department and also worked as a director/administrator for the college. From April 2022, she took the charge of principal and superintendent of hospital. Her entire work concerned with unani medicine. She herself a diligent personality of unani medicine.